The IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (EVEDA) aim at producing a detailed, complete and fully integrated engineering design of IFMIF and at validating continuous and stable operation of prototypes of each IFMIF subsystem:

The validation activities have been the subject of a successful Japan-Europe scientific collaboration. In order to produce the experimental backing of the IFMIF Design during the EVEDA phase, 3 major prototypes have been designed and manufactured:

  • an Accelerator Prototype (LIPAc) at Rokkasho, fully representative of the IFMIF low energy (9 MeV) accelerator (125 mA of D+ beam in continuous wave) to be completed in June 2017;
  • a Lithium Test Loop (ELTL) at Oarai, integrating all elements of the IFMIF lithium target facility, already commissioned in February 2011, complemented by corrosion experiments performed at the LIFUS6 lithium loop at Brasimone; with the development of needed diagnostics and purification systems, will demonstrate that IFMIF’s liquid lithium loop is achievable.
  • the High Flux Test Module (different designs) and its internals to be irradiated in a fission reactor and tested in the helium loop HELOKA, complemented the Creep Fatigue Test Module manufactured and tested in full scale at Villigen.