The 32nd Project Committee (PC#32) of the IFMIF/EVEDA project was held on October 24-25, 2023 at the QST Rokkasho Fusion Institute and remotely for the newly appointed EU PC members.
During the first day, the presentations gave the status and outlook of the project to the PC members as well as to about 20 experts present in person, and remotely, from Japan and Europe.
The following achievements were highlighted by the PC#32:
- The start of the beam operation phase B+ stage 2 on August 1, 2023 after the installation of the repaired circulator and the modified RFQ couplers;
- The implementation of the experimental programme reaching so far 113 mA current transported up to the Beam Dump at 0.1% duty cycle with good stability.
- The repairs made to fix the manufacturing quality issues with some of the SRF Linac components;
- The sound progress of the enhancement activities specially the start of the prototyping of the RFQ RFPS based on solid-state technology;
- The significant progress of the Fusion Neutron Source Design activities both on the Lithium Facility and on the Engineering Design, in particular taking advantage of the LIPAc operation to test new diagnostics.
On the second day, the PC members drew up and approved the Record of Conclusions, making recommendations, and acknowledging the accomplished work.