The purpose of the Creep Fatigue Test Module (CFTM) in IFMIF is to perform creep fatigue experiments under intense neutron irradiation. The CFTM consists of three parallel testing machines, mounted on a frame, which is operated independently. It will be installed in the medium flux area of the test cell and will be exposed to intense radiation fields, including both neutron and gamma fields. The heat absorbed by the different parts of the module will be extracted by means of a He gas passing through independent cooling channels. Measures to learn the temperature and control it in the specimen under testing to ensure that the target values are respected will be also included.
The testing machine load cells and extensometers have been designed to withstand the hard operation conditions of irradiation and temperature.
The final CFTM will consist of three parallel load controlled single testing machines (STM), mounted on a frame. The three testing machines will operate independently with +/-12.5 kN load with controlled speed ranging between 1 µm/s and 80 µm/s. The results obtained for a STM are conferrable to the second and third STMs. Finally, the complete CFTM will be installed in the medium flux area of IFMIF test cell and will be exposed to intense radiation fields, including both neutron and gamma fields. The heat absorbed by the different parts of the module will be extracted by means of a helium gas (coolant) passing through independent cooling channels. Elements required to control the specimen temperature at the targeted value will be included. The first tests have been performed without radiation and heating effects.