Who leads the IFMIF/EVEDA project?
The IFMIF/EVEDA Project Leader (PL) is responsible for the coordination of the implementation of the Project. The PL is appointed by the Broader Approach Steering Committee and is assisted by two Project Managers, one from QST and one from F4E, and by the Project Team, which comprises experts and other members, such as visiting scientists.
Yann CARIN (F4E), Project Leader
After a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Ecole Normale Supérieure of Cachan (France), Yann CARIN studied Material Science and Structural Mechanics during his doctorate at the Solid Mechanics Laboratory (Ecole Polytechnique, France). He pursued his research career at the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, USA) investigating thermo-mechanical behavior of new materials.
After which, he developed his engineering skills working for more than 12 years in aeronautic and aerospace industries in France participating to many big projects such as the Airbus A380 aircraft and the new European space launcher Ariane 6.
In 2010, he joined Fusion for Energy to provide the European contribution to the ITER project. Working in particular on the Test Blanket Module (TBM), he defined the work plan for the qualification of structural material, namely EUROFER97, of the European TBMs.
He also shares his expertise as a Chief Scientific Investigator for International Atomic Energy Agency in several Coordinated Research Projects such as Small Specimen Test Techniques For Fusion Applications.
So as an end user of the material irradiation facility, he naturally joined the IFMIF/EVEDA unit of the Broader Approach in 2018 to be the co-coordinator of the Machine Operation Group of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator and to manage the European procurements to the project in collaboration with Japan. As of May 2022, he became the Project Leader of the IFMIF/EVEDA at Rokkasho, Japan.
Kazuo HASEGAWA (QST), JA Project Manager
Kazuo Hasegawa graduated from Tohoku University in Sendai where he studied nuclear engineering. He started at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) in 1990, where he worked on the development of high intensity proton linear accelerator (linac) for the accelerator driven nuclear waste system (ADS).
A high intensity proton accelerator project, (later called J-PARC, Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) was started as a joint project between JAEA (after JAERI) and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in 1999. He took a lead on the design, construction, commissioning and operation of the J-PARC linac. In 2011, he had been the Accelerator Division Head of J-PARC, where he engaged in the management of operation and performance upgrade of the J-PARC accelerators.
He has been assigned as an expert of the IFMIF/EVEDA Project Committee since the first meeting in 2007. In 2020, he moved from JAEA to National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), Rokkasho. In 2021, he is appointed as the Director of Department of Fusion Neutron Materials Research and IFMIF/EVEDA project JA Home Team Project Manager.
Hervé DZITKO (F4E), EU Project Manager
Dr. Hervé Dzitko has been Head of the IFMIF Unit at Fusion for Energy and European Project manager of the IFMIF/EVEDA project since May 2019. He obtained his PhD in Nuclear Astrophysics from the Paris XI-Orsay University in 1995, earned a Master’s degrees in Physics Engineering at Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble in 1992, and a Master’s degree in Nuclear physics at Grenoble University the same year.
He started his career in 1992 in the Astrophysics department at CEA, where he studied solar and stellar interior physics until he obtained his doctorate, then he was space radiation physicist and space project quality manager until 2001. Next, he moved to the CEA Military Application Division where he successively supervised diverse experimental projects until 2007, and was appointed as Head of a particle accelerator facility until 2013. Afterwards, he became part of the IFMIF/EVEDA programme as CEA project manager of the LIPAc superconducting radio frequency LINAc in the Institute of research into the fundamental laws of the Universe at CEA/Saclay. He joined thereupon the Broader Fusion Development Department at F4E in November 2015 as senior technical officer and expert in particle accelerator physics and technology in charge of coordinating and organizing the LIPAc commissioning programme until he was appointed as Head of Unit.